The Natsemicon Toastmasters Club 7605
Welcome to our homepage. The Natsemicon Toastmasters Club is an in-house club of National Semiconductor Malacca. This club provides the opportunity to employees to improve their communication and leadership skills, qualities that are increasingly essential in this era. As a multi-national manufacturing facility, employees are commonly required to communicate with various levels of personnel within the vast company hierarchy and structure. Coupled with a customer base that spans the entire globe, it is even more crucial for employees to be equipped with the right skills to communicate with customers.
Our meeting is held on every first and third Wednesday of the month at 6pm, EM1 Conference Room. We always welcome guests who would like to pay us a visit. All you have to do is to contact the president in advance so that security clearance into the plant can be arranged.
Committee of 1998-99:
President: Lim Chong Han, ATM-B
VP (Education): Pushpa, CTM
VP (Membership): Ratnam, CTM
VP (Public Relation): Khalil
Secretary: Patma
Treasurer: Hainon
Sergeant-at-arms: Danny Lim
Installation Night 1998:
Our Installation Ceremony for 1998 was held on 29 July at the VIP Conference Room. More than 20 members and guests attended the ceremony that was officiated by the company's human resource department head, En. Karim.
The Electronic Newsletter:
A project to publish our own newsletter has been started. This newsletter will help keep members informed of our activities and plans. A copy of the electronic version is available here for your viewing.
Issue 1 - Revival (Answer to quiz inside)
If you have any comments, please contact Lim Chong Han.